Ground talc for ceramic industry. Technical conditions
Ground talc for ceramic industry. Specifications
Bentonite clay for fine and building ceramics. Method for the determination of bentonite number
Bentonite clay for fine and building ceramics. Method for the determination of bentonite number
Bentonite clay for fine and building ceramics. Method for the determination of absorption index
Bentonite clay for fine and building ceramics. Methods for the determination of adsorption index and cation-exchange capacity
Bentonite clay for fine and building ceramics. Method for the determination of mechanical strength in dry state during flexure
Clay bentonite for fine and building ceramics. Method for determining the mechanical bending strength
Concentrated kaolin for pottery. Specifications
Feldsparic and qiartzfeld-sparic materials for fine ceramics. Specifications
Quartz sand for fine ceramics. Technical conditions
Quartzy sand for fine ceramics