Plastics. Testing methods of plastics resistance to chemical substances
Gas analyzers. Dimensions for threaded joints and hose couplings
Water. Spectrophotometric determination of chlorophyll a
pH-measuring. Tablets for preparing the working buffer solutions
Gases. Picknometric method for determination of density
Standard reference silver-silver chloride saturate electrode of second class
Amperometric analysers for dissolved oxygen SSI. General technical requirements
Stationary distillation desalting units. Methods of distillate chemical analysis
Stationary distillation desalting units. Methods of saline water and distillate chemical analysis on gas content
Stationary distillation desalting units. Methods of chemical analysis of scale and slurries
Stationary distillation desalting units. Methods of washing solution chemical analysis at the equipment cleaning
Analytical gas chromatographs. Specifications and testing methods