Food irradiation. Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of the process of irradiation using ionizing radiation for the treatment of food
Milk and milk-containing products. Technological instruction. General requirements for lay out, development and composition
Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Technological instruction. Rules of structure, drafting, presentation, indication, taking over and registry
Food safety management systems. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems
Food safety management systems. Requirements for bodies conducting audit and certification of food safety management systems
Prerequisite programmes on food safety. Part 1. Food manufacturing
Specialized food products, spices, processed products based on spices and biologically active supplement. Determination of non-food dyes Sudan I, Sudan II, Sudan III and Para Red
Organic products from wild-growing raw materials. Rules for collection, procurement, processing, storage, transportation and labeling
Hygiene of food products. Clothing for workers in food production and catering. Requirements based on the principles of HACCP
Halal food production processes. General requirements for halal food products
Conformity assessment. Requirements for Halal Certification Bodies
Food safety management systems. Set of requirements for food safety management system and certification process