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65.040 Agricultural buildings, structures and installations


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GOST 22903-78
Machinery and equipment for live farming and forage production. Possibility of mounting. General requirements
Price: $184.00
GOST 34748-2021
Agricultural machinery. Feed dispensers. Test methods
Price: $606.00
GOST R 52830-2007
Microbiology of food and feeding stuffs. Method for the detection and enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli. Most probable number technique
Price: $267.00
OST 10-69-07-86
Labour safety standard system. Reinforced concrete funnel for elevator engineering. Installation. Safety requirements.
OST 69-04-85
Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Organization of labour safety inspection. Requirements to content, conducting procedure and registering of inspection for labour safety providing at the industry, implementation of labour safety condition assessment in brigade, at site, in the workshop, organization, at the enterprise.
OST 70.0006.215-85
Labour safety standard system. Construction of industrial hothouses. General safety requirements.
OST 70.0006.216-85
Labour safety standard system. Green house technological equipment. General safety requirements.
SP 289.1325800.2017
Constructions cattle-breeding, poultry-breeding and beast-breeding. Design rules
Price: $518.00
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