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49.140 Space systems and operations

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GOST 25645.203-83
Space crew radiation safety during spaceflight. Model of human body for computation of tissue dose
Price: $414.00
GOST 25645.204-83
Space crew radiation safety during spaceflight. Computation methods of points shielding inside phantom
Price: $381.00
GOST 25645.211-85
Space crew radiation safety during space flight. Nuclear interaction characteristics of protons
Price: $250.00
GOST 25645.212-85
Space crew radiation safety during space flight. Nuclear interaction characteristics of multicharged ions
Price: $134.00
GOST 25645.214-85
Space crew radiation safety during space flight. Model of generalized radiobiological effect
Price: $84.00
GOST 25645.215-85
Space crew radiation safety during space flight. Safety norms with flight duration till three years.
Price: $134.00
GOST 25645.218-90
Space crew radiation safety during space flight. Dependence of cosmic radiation quality factor from linear energy
Price: $134.00
GOST 25645.219-90
Space crew radiation safety during space flight. Model describing the influence of spatial non-uniformity radiation exposure on the generalized radiobiological effect
Price: $151.00
GOST 28040-89
Cosmonaut's life and activity support systems complex on board of manned spacecraft. Terms and definitions
Price: $462.00
GOST R 25645.167-2022
Space environment (natural and artificial). Model of spatial and temporal distribution of man-made substance flux density in near-Earth space
Price: $1,770.00
GOST R 50382-92
Means of medical and biological provision of a person's vital activity and of viability of biological objects at special units. Terms and definitions
Price: $201.00
GOST R 51143-98
Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. General requirements for tests and acceptance
Price: $1,245.00
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