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GOST 9.107-2023
Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Corrosive aggressiveness of the atmosphere. Basic provisions
Price: $731.00
GOST 9.909-2023
Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings, metals and alloys. Test methods at climatic test stations
Price: $574.00
GOST R 56465-2015
Space systems. Non-metallic materials based on ceramic-matrix and carbon-carbon composites used as rocket engine thrusters parts (orientation and correction pulse). Classification. Nomenclature of indices
Price: $201.00
GOST R 56466-2015
Space systems. Materials test methods. Method of determining the linear thermal expansion coefficient composites at high temperatures
Price: $217.00
GOST R 56466-2022
Space Systems. Test methods for materials. Method for determination of temperature coefficient of linear expansion of composite materials at high temperatures
Price: $217.00
GOST R 56467-2015
Space systems. Powder metal and metal composite materials. Classification. Nomenclature of indices
Price: $201.00
GOST R 59310-2021
Space systems. Foam Compounds. General specifications
Price: $283.00
PNST 532-2021
Space systems. Carbon-carbon and ceramic matrix composites. Determination of apparent density and open porosity
Price: $231.00
PNST 533-2021
Space systems. Carbon-carbon and ceramic matrix composites. Terms and Definitions
Price: $231.00
PNST 534-2021
Space systems. Carbon-carbon and ceramic matrix composites. Classification and nomenclature of indicators
Price: $183.00
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