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37.040.30 Photochemicals

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GOST 11683-76
Technical sodium pyrosulfite. Specifications
Price: $365.00
GOST 19627-74
Hydroquinone (paradioxybenzene). Specifications
Price: $217.00
GOST 23614-79
Sodium salt benzenesulphinic acid. Specifications
Price: $283.00
GOST 244-76
Photographic grade sodium thiosulphate, crystalline - specification
Price: $267.00
GOST 24801-81
n-Aminodiethylanilin sulphate. Specifications
Price: $250.00
GOST 25063.1-81
Photographic materials. Method for determination of thiosulphate content
Price: $134.00
GOST 25063.2-81
Photographic materials. Method for determination of residue chemicals content
Price: $68.00
GOST 25063.3-81
Photographic materials. Method for determination of light effect on residue silver compounds
Price: $118.00
GOST 25183.10-82
Photographic gelatine. Method of moisture determination
Price: $68.00
GOST 25183.1-82
Photographic gelatine. Acceptance rules and samples selection
Price: $84.00
GOST 25183.2-82
Photographic gelatine. Method of determination of small particles
Price: $51.00
GOST 25183.3-82
Photographic gelatine. Method of determination of dissolution duration
Price: $51.00
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